Research Projects

Hybrid & Remote Work

With colleagues from the Stanford VMware Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab, I am analyzing interviews with remote and hybrid employees to understand how remote work impacts marginalized communities.

Organizational Change Initiatives

I completed a year-long case study of a Silicon Valley technology company implementing a gender equality initiative. I conducted 50 interviews with high-level executives, observed 80 company meetings, and gathered demographic data from each department. In a recently published article, I analyze how executives’ ideologies about inequality shape the change efforts they choose to implement.

With Melissa V. Abad, I am also analyzing companies’ DEI statements to understand what they include and what is missing.


In one published article, I use survey data to examine how gender and parenthood affect perceived chances of promotion.

In research with the Stanford VMware Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab, I analyze gender biases in performance evaluations. In one published article, we investigate whether men and women are described differently in evaluations, as well as whether those descriptions are rewarded differently in the ratings assigned to employees. In another recently published article, we examine the biases that remain following a manager training intervention.


Together with Dr. Shelley Correll, I examine the culture of the technology industry and its impact on gender inequality. In two published articles, we analyze how technology companies present themselves when recruiting potential candidates, as well as how tech employees feel they align with the prevailing culture.


Using 74 interviews with management consultants and academic physicians, I explore the challenges of designing and implementing successful flexibility programs. In one published article, I study how employees respond to extreme work environments differently based on gender and parental status. In another article co-authored with Dr. Aliya Hamid Rao, we investigate why employees avoid using existing flexibility programs.